Thursday, October 3, 2013

Safety Goggles as Art?

Well used collection of protective eyewear.
I have a bit of a safety goggle obsession. It started back when I was a newly wed. My Vet was still a student and we didn't have luxuries like cable, satellite, or Netflix. On Saturday mornings we could choose between infomercials, cartoons, or PBS. This Old House, About your House, Hometime, and the New Yankee Workshop quickly became our weekly Must See TV and my favorite quote was memorized.

"Before we use any power tools, let's take a moment to talk about shop safety. Be sure to read, understand, and follow all the safety rules that come with your power tools. Knowing how to use your power tools properly will greatly reduce the risk of personal injury. And remember this: there is no more important safety rule than to wear these — safety glasses." - Norm Abram

Yep that's were it began. (Sorry to my industrial arts teachers. I loved your classes and remember needing to wear goggles, but Norm made them cool.) Fast forward a *cough* few *cough* years and some free after rebate deals at Menards, I have "purchased", and worn, and misplaced lots of pairs, but no more! I have found a new and improved way to store them so they will always be at my fingertips.

I found some inspiration and decided I didn't want/need to spend $25 plus shipping. Instead I used all scrap/leftover materials for a total cost of $0. Whoot, Whoot!

Here is what I did.

Found some scrap lumber that I thought was long enough.
Measured the depth/width of my glasses to determine shelf depth and height. For me the magic number was 2 7/8".
Since I chose and inexpensive pine. I predrilled so that I wouldn't split the wood.
Using 3 1/8" deck screws I attached the shelf to the backer board. This was probably a bit of over kill, but I had them on hand and knew they would be sturdy enough.
My inspiration piece had fancy routered edges, since I don't have a router, I rounded my edges with a sander.
Here is the finished project right before I sanded or cleaned my glasses.
All finished. I still need a 8x12 frame for my print, but it is coming together!

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