
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Curb Appeal

The hardest part about buying an older home is the constant need for repairs. Every year we tackle another big project, this year it is time for the siding.
Here is what we started with:

We've been saving up for this project. We knew that with all of the funky angles we didn't want to tackle this as a DIY. As with any home improvement project though there was a snowball effect. I was glad to have the energy to tackle those other things since Brad and his guys took over the rest.

Notice in the front we did a little redesign on the front. Opening up the porch brings more light in, I also really like the vertical lines over the port hole window. The other port hole window was changed to square and we finally can open it for some cross ventilation.

The snowball projects out front:
Update Light fixture
Paint porch trim
New house numbers
Match the window treatments in the left window to the right
Paint the blue foundation to match the red/brown upper siding
Trim the lower branches on the trees so you can see the improvement
Weed and mulch planting bed in front of fence
Plant shrubs by the house
You can see I've finished a few of them, I  still have a couple of those projects start.

In the back I had a few pop up too:
Update Light Fixture
Update the woodshed
Replace gutters
Paint blue foundation to match the red/brown upper siding
Trim the over grown hedges by the patio (Only half finished)

The wood shed was a lot of work, so here is a close up so you can admire my handy work.

Here is the before, see how much it needed to be finished:

I also picked up new matching lights for the garage, that I have yet to install.

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